Autism Spectrum Disorder

Beker, S., Foxe, J.J., Molholm, S., (2018): Ripe for solution: Delayed development of multisensory processing in autism and its remediation. (Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews: Volume 84, January 2018, 182-192).

Beker, S., Foxe, J.J., Venticinque, J., Bates, J., Ridgeway E,M., Schaaf, R.C., Molholm, S., (2021a): Looking for Consistency in an Uncertain World: Test-Retest Reliability of Neurophysiological and Behavioral Readouts in Autism (Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2021, 13:43).

Beker, S. Molholm, S. (2023): Do We All Synch Alike? Brain-Body-Environment Interaction in Autism (Frontiers in Neural Circuits, special issue: Unravelling the Neural Substrates of Predictive Processing, Vol. 17, 2023)

Beker, S., Foxe J. J., Molholm, S. (2021b): Oscillatory Entrainment Mechanisms and Anticipatory Predictive Processes in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Journal of Neurophysiology 126: 1783–1798, 2021).